[Solved ! ]Reboot & reboot again with white screen for spider card when plugging ethernet cable

Dear all,

After 3-4 days don’t power up on the card, this problem is happened when plugging Ethernet cable, I use USP DP, I have readed the topic My Spider Gadgeteer is not stable at https://www.ghielectronics.com/community/forum/topic?id=12191 but I don’t think the power is the original problem because my project runs fine 1 week ago. I have to make a demonstration soon. I’m very frustrated :((. Pls help - me !.
Video is available here : .NET Gadgeteer reboot spider card with white screen - YouTube

The solution is here : https://www.ghielectronics.com/community/forum/topic?id=19390&page=2#msg191806
Thanks a lot RoSchmi

please tell us about what power supply you’re using with the DP module.

I’d suggest disconnecting modules individually and try at each point. I assume you mean that if you don’t have the Ethernet cable connected at startup, this problem doesn’t show?

I still suspect power as your issue

@ Brett -

I used USB Client DP Module 5V. I don’t think the problem comes from the power because it runs fine and good 1 week ago … :frowning:

Ok. I will try it and inform u soon.

so really, you’re just using USB power? Running a display on that is asking for trouble.

So what has changed since then? Code ? New cables ? Different PC? Different USB port ?

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I bet it is a power problem even if it worked before.

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[quote]@ Brett -So really, you’re just using USB power? Running a display on that is asking for trouble.
So what has changed since then? Code ? New cables ? Different PC? Different USB port ? [/quote]

I try every things, but it 's ok when I try to plug only one Ethernet J11D module in Spider board. Maybe it is a power problem :frowning: like Gus said.

[quote]@ Gus - I bet it is a power problem even if it worked before. [/quote] How can i debug without USB cable ? :’(
and how can I resolve it using this USB client DP ?

@ hoavinh -
I would try the following things:
Take a new Gadgeteer Cable between USB DP Module and Mainboard.
Remove all other modules including the display module.
Re-Deploy the mainboard firmware.
Deploy an “empty” application with no modules connected.
Connect the display cables and deploy an “empty” application.
Then connect the other modules and try your original application.

@ RoSchmi - Thanks a lot. I will try it and inform to you.

to get additional power, use an externally powered USB hub.

@ Mike - It’s great ! I see in Google there are many product, can you give me an example for USB hub product it’s worked fine with enough power. Can I take any USB hub ? Sorry for my bad experience about it

Did you get it working again?
If yes, what did the trick?

@ RoSchmi - I try your method but not run :’(, I hope too much but … Finally to check whether it is enough power ? I have to deploy without using debug mode, unplugging usb cable and then using an external power 12V, that works fine now.
So how to resolve definitively this problem ? Some one has solution ?

@ Mike - If buying a usb Hub on which I plug USB Client DP, that is enough power ? 5V will provide the later ? or 12V ?

With the USB Client DB Module you can have both (USB and the 12 V power supply) connected at the same time to the module. Did you try this?

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@ RoSchmi - Great ! We can use it together ? I will try it and feedback to you soon.
Finally the solution is in the picture. Thanks a lot RoSchmi.)

Wow, big data?!

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@ RoSchmi - bigdata :slight_smile: No No ! Do you know when some Gadgeteer modules will be reproduced ? Or some one can give me more infos ?