[SOLVED] FEZ Mini with RC Car and Sensors

Question about Sensors. Which sensor is a good sensor to use on a car to not bumping on any wall or other objects?

  • Ultrasonic sensor (e.g. Parallax PING)))
  • IR distance sensor (e.g. Sharp GP2Y0A21)
  • Or any other type of sensor

Please advice. Which one should i use and why?


Hmm wish searched worked for me. So i will make this short since in another topic this was covered very long wise.

IR works good. It limitation is its very narrow detection and lighting conditions can mess it up. Certain colors of objects also cause issues.

ultra sonic works good. Its limitations are that is generally very wide detection. Certain fabric on things can limit its effects. Echo can be a issue.

It really comes down to the environment you plan on using it in and how accurate you need it to be in object avoidance. When search works better for me i will see if i can find the topic that discusses this in much more detail.

You also have laser range finding and camera based which is more expensive.

Do you mean this topic?

I have figered it out. Will use Ultrasonic sensor for object detection in the front, and will use IR distance sensor on the sides and the back.

One question left, can i connect the Parallax PING))) (http://www.parallax.com/tabid/768/ProductID/92/Default.aspx) with a JST cable to one of the inputs of the FEZ Mini? (like An1, An2, An3, An4, An5, An6 or An7)? (see attached)

Thanks for answering!

I prefer the Maxbotix sonar sensors. Sharp IR sensors work well too. If you mount a Sharp IR on a servo you can scan and with a little vector banging do some neat stuff. Of course by next year some one may have whipped up a fez class for the microsoft Kinect and we’ll all have machine vision.

One question left, can i connect the Parallax PING))) (http://www.parallax.com/tabid/768/ProductID/92/Default.aspx) with a JST cable to one of the inputs of the FEZ Mini? (like An1, An2, An3, An4, An5, An6 or An7)?

Thanks for answering!

Yes, you can.

Thanks. will place order right now :wink:

Edit: Damned, “Cannot display the webpage” webshop is down at the moment… :frowning:

Edit2: Site is back, order is placed.