OK - so I have trawled the forums and can see LOADS of stuff about Socket.Connect not working properly in 4.x.
Some say it is/will be fixed in 4.2 - well its not.
I have an EMX board in a custom PCB. Now using VS2012 (boy is that SLLLOOOWWWW! with NetMF), and using GHI 4.2 with MS 4.3 - as recommended.
Just rebuilt my code (after a year or so where its been working based on 4.1 ??)
First I find that DHCP is broken (see separate thread under my name) and there is no proposed fix yet…
Now I find that if my remote (PC Windows Service) code is not running, the EMX code just hangs in Socket.Connect(endpoint). It doesn’t come back when the service starts, and the thread is completely dormant - ie HUNG.
The only thing I can think of doing is a watchdog reset of the board if I can detect this event ???.
Now - this problem has been reported for at least a year in the forums.
So is there any chance of a fix for this in the near future please ???.
This is BASIC Networking 101. If a socket refuses to connect, doesn’t time out or even raise an exception then its a fundamental flaw in the OS, as there is no code I can add to ‘handle’ the error - except of course reset the board - which is simply a ‘sledgehammer to crack a nut’ problem.
I am currently viewing 4.2/4.3 ‘upgrade’ as a total downgrade - and thinking about moving back to 4.1 even.
I’ll be honest - this is completely putting me off using NetMF - it seems to be going the same way that Windows CE went - ie down the pan :-((. Yes I deployed that MANY years back until realising that MS were simply NOT even giving it lip service in terms of REAL support.
As a programmer of MANY years standing (30+ in fact!!) I am finding that todays generation of software is getting less reliable by the day (more complex but less reliable :-((. We seem to have forgotten ‘the basics’ - like a working product :-O.
The thing is - no-one seems to even ‘own’ the problem :-O.
I anyone can comment on when a fix for these basic issues may come out - please do respond :-)) - I could do with some good news ;-)).
Severely dis-heartened…