Originally published at: https://www.ghielectronics.com/2022/09/06/sitcore-features-networking/
SITCore compute modules let you build secure IoT .NET C# products, powered by TinyCLR OS. Take advantage of the many built in features, including Networking.
Networking support on SITCore is a subset of Microsoft’s .NET Framework networking stack.
Full support is available for the most widely used protocols, including:
The latest version of TLS is supported in TinyCLR OS providing industry-standard security.
SITCore Devices can also be programmed as the host to deliver content over networks.
The entire secure stack is made available over Wi-Fi, Ethernet, and Cellular networks.
This is just a highlight of the many included features designed to help you build small secure devices. SITCore increases productivity and shortens time to market.