Seeed Relay Module

I am having trouble with the code for relays. I have defined them under Public Partial Class Program as “Static.GTM.Seeed.Relays LEDs;”

I have 3 Glide screens for UI on the T35 display held in index and I need to have certain relays on and off depending on what screen is showing on the T35.

When I use “LEDs.Relay1 = True;” whithin “if index == 0” there are no errors in the errors box but when I deploy the program to the Spider it throws an unhandled exception relating to the “LEDs.Relay1 = True” line.

Any suggestions would help greatly!



Please do not use glide and only keep a simple setup then provide details of your issue.

Ok I tested the relays in separate solution and they work properly just using “relays.Relay1 = True;” and so on. The problem I having is finding the correct place to put my relay events. The program I am running is mostly related to the touch screens and Glide. I need certain relays to turn on and off depending on which of my 3 screens are up on the T35.

I need to find the correct place and way to say:

if window index = 0

relays.Relay1 = true

Here is my full code:

using System;
using System.Threading;
using Microsoft.SPOT;
//using Microsoft.SPOT.Presentation;
//using Microsoft.SPOT.Presentation.Controls;
//using Microsoft.SPOT.Presentation.Media;
using Microsoft.SPOT.Touch;

using GHIElectronics.NETMF.Glide;
using GHIElectronics.NETMF.Glide.Display;
using UI = GHIElectronics.NETMF.Glide.UI;

using Gadgeteer.Networking;
using GT = Gadgeteer;
using GTM = Gadgeteer.Modules;
using Gadgeteer.Modules.GHIElectronics;
using Gadgeteer.Modules.Seeed;

namespace device2
public partial class Program
// This will hold the windows.
static Window[] windows = new Window[3];

    // Indicates the current window index.        
    static int index = 0;

    static int count = 0;
    static GT.Interfaces.AnalogInput sensor;

    static GT.Interfaces.PWMOutput Piezo;

    // This method is run when the mainboard is powered up or reset.   
    void ProgramStarted()
        // Load the windows           
        windows[0] = GlideLoader.LoadWindow(Resources.GetString(Resources.StringResources.Window1));
        windows[1] = GlideLoader.LoadWindow(Resources.GetString(Resources.StringResources.Window2));
        windows[2] = GlideLoader.LoadWindow(Resources.GetString(Resources.StringResources.Window3));

        // Activate touch            

        // Initialize the windows.          

        // Assigning a window to MainWindow flushes it to the screen.           
        // This also starts event handling on the window.           
        Glide.MainWindow = windows[index];

        Piezo = eBlockExpansion1.SetupPWMOutput(GT.Socket.Pin.Nine);

        Debug.Print("Program Started");

    //=============== Navigation handling ===============

    void InitNav(Window window)
        // Find the button and attach an event handler.
        UI.Button backBtn = (UI.Button)window.GetChildByName("backBtn");
        backBtn.TapEvent += new OnTap(backBtn_TapEvent);

        UI.Button nextBtn = (UI.Button)window.GetChildByName("nextBtn");
        nextBtn.TapEvent += new OnTap(nextBtn_TapEvent);

    // Enables/disables navigation buttons appropriately.
    static void updateNavButtons()
        Window window = windows[index];

        // First window           
        if (index == 0)
            UI.Button backBtn = (UI.Button)window.GetChildByName("backBtn");
            backBtn.Enabled = false;

            // Disabling a button reduces it's alpha to 1/3 it's current value.               
            // Simply invalidating a button won't show the alpha change because               
            // it's redrawing over the current bitmap. To show this change we need               
            // to clear the region it occupies (fill it with background color).               


        // Last window           
        if (index == windows.Length - 1)
            UI.Button nextBtn = (UI.Button)window.GetChildByName("nextBtn");
            nextBtn.Enabled = false;


    void nextBtn_TapEvent(object sender)
        if (index < windows.Length - 1)
            int lastIndex = index;

            // Update before we slide so the button state(s) are visually correct while we slide.               

            Tween.SlideWindow(windows[lastIndex], windows[index], Direction.Up);

    void backBtn_TapEvent(object sender)
        if (index > 0)
            int lastIndex = index;


            Tween.SlideWindow(windows[lastIndex], windows[index], Direction.Down);

    //=============== Window 1 ===============

    void InitWin1(Window window)
        // "button" is defined in Program.gadgeteer/Program.generated.cs
        // (which was generated by the designer)
        button.ButtonReleased += new Button.ButtonEventHandler(button_ButtonReleased);
        button.ButtonPressed += new Button.ButtonEventHandler(button_ButtonPressed);

        UI.Button clearCountBtn = (UI.Button)window.GetChildByName("clearBtn");
        clearCountBtn.TapEvent += new OnTap(clearCountBtn_TapEvent);


    void button_ButtonPressed(Button sender, Button.ButtonState state)
        Piezo.Set(5000, 50);

    void button_ButtonReleased(Button sender, Button.ButtonState state)

        UI.TextBox textBox = (UI.TextBox)windows[index].GetChildByName("countTxt");
        textBox.Text = count.ToString();
        Piezo.Set(5000, 0);

    void clearCountBtn_TapEvent(object sender)
        count = 0;

        UI.TextBox textBox = (UI.TextBox)windows[index].GetChildByName("countTxt");
        textBox.Text = count.ToString();

    //=============== Window 2 ===============

    void InitWin2(Window window)
        // Note the eblock expansion needs to be plugged into a socket that's labeled "A" for analog.
        // In addition, only certain pins on the eblock expansion support analog. I plugged the
        // light sensor into "Pin 4".
        sensor = eBlockExpansion.SetupAnalogInput(GT.Socket.Pin.Four);

        button1.ButtonReleased += new Button.ButtonEventHandler(button1_ButtonReleased);
        button1.ButtonPressed += new Button.ButtonEventHandler(button1_ButtonPressed);

        UI.Button clearGradeBtn = (UI.Button)window.GetChildByName("clearBtn");
        clearGradeBtn.TapEvent += new OnTap(clearGradeBtn_TapEvent);


    void button1_ButtonPressed(Button sender, Button.ButtonState state)
        Piezo.Set(5000, 50);

    void clearGradeBtn_TapEvent(object sender)
        UI.TextBox textBox = (UI.TextBox)windows[index].GetChildByName("gradeTxt");
        textBox.Text = "";

    void button1_ButtonReleased(Button sender, Button.ButtonState state)
        // Get the voltage from the eblock
        double voltage = sensor.ReadVoltage();
        string text = "...";

        Debug.Print("Voltage: " + voltage);

        if (voltage <= 1.23)
            text = "Dime";
        else if (voltage <= 1.30)
            text = "Nickel";
        else if (voltage <= 1.55)
            text = "Quarter";
        else if (voltage <= 1.74)
            text = "Half Dollar";
        else if (voltage > 1.74)
            text = "Oversized";
        else if (voltage < 0)
            text = "Error";

        UI.TextBox textBox = (UI.TextBox)windows[index].GetChildByName("gradeTxt");
        textBox.Text = text;

        Piezo.Set(5000, 0);


    void InitWin3(Window window)






I have tried calling the relays within the Windows Index arguments and it red lines them.

I have tried defining the relays as GTM.Seed.Relays LEDs and then calling LEDs.Relay1 = True and it will accept that but then throw an unhandeled exception when I deploy to the Spider.

I don’t have the experience to know anything else to try.


Sure you posted the right code? I see no mention of LEDs or relays…

Also, when you post code, it will look much better if you put it in code tags.

The code I posted is the actual programming that is working without any code or deployment errors. I’m a beginner and I’m sorry but I don’t know to post code using code tags so it appears the same way as in the program cs.

The closest I’ve gotten to getting the relay code to work in this program is by adding this deffinition before “Program Started”;

static GTM.Seeed.Relays LEDs;

And then adding the event here:

// Enables/disables navigation buttons appropriately.
static void updateNavButtons()
Window window = windows[index];

        // First window           
        if (index == 0)
            UI.Button backBtn = (UI.Button)window.GetChildByName("backBtn");
            backBtn.Enabled = false;

            // Disabling a button reduces it's alpha to 1/3 it's current value.               
            // Simply invalidating a button won't show the alpha change because               
            // it's redrawing over the current bitmap. To show this change we need               
            // to clear the region it occupies (fill it with background color).               

            LEDs.Relay1 = true;

I get no errors in the program cs doing this but when I deploy I get an unhandeled exception pop up and it highlights the LEDs.Relay1 = true; line.


might be useful to tell us what kind of an exception you are seeing. i am guessing it is a null exception.

Here is the statement in the pop up window:

An unhandled exception of type ‘System.NullReferenceException’ occurred in device2.exe


Here is another stab I tried by putting this code user Void Program Started

if (index == 0)

            relays.Relay1 = true;
            relays.Relay2 = false;
            relays.Relay3 = false;
            relays.Relay4 = false;
            if (index == 1)

                relays.Relay1 = false;
                relays.Relay2 = true;
                relays.Relay3 = false;
                relays.Relay4 = false;
            if (index == 2)

                relays.Relay1 = false;
                relays.Relay2 = false;
                relays.Relay3 = true;
                relays.Relay4 = true;

No errors or pop ups upon deployment but the state of the relays does not change as I change screens on the T35?

Getting closer!


Using code tags will make your code much easier to read.

where did you instaniate LEDs?

When you post source code, click the little icon that looks like…


…which will insert the code tags. Paste your code between those. They look like {code} and {/code} but with instead of {}.

Directly under :

static GT.Interfaces.PWMOutput Piezo;

The closest I’ve gotten to getting the relay code to work in this program is by adding this deffinition before “Program Started”;

static GTM.Seeed.Relays LEDs;

Instead of doing that, you should use the Gadgeteer designer. See the bit labeled “Using the .NET Gadgeteer Designer UI” at for the screen you want and how to get there.

You shouldn’t have to add the Relays thing youself - Visual Studio will do that code for you and make sure things are created when the program starts.

If you haven’t already written a bunch of code for this, it might be best to start a new project so you don’t have old & funky code in there.

Exactly! I should just be able to insert:

relays.realy1 = true;

but I cannot figure out how or where to put these events in order to get them sinc up with the windows index. I’ve tried if and while index = statements and they don’t produce erros but still once deployed, the relays do not change status when I advance forward and backward through the screens.


Can you post the contents of your Program.generated.cs file?

Sorry, but that code doesn’t really make any sense in C#. I think you mean this…

if (index == 0)
    relays.Relay1 = true;
    relays.Relay2 = false;
    relays.Relay3 = false;
    relays.Relay4 = false;
if (index == 1)
    relays.Relay1 = false;
    relays.Relay2 = true;
    relays.Relay3 = false;
    relays.Relay4 = false;
if (index == 2)
    relays.Relay1 = false;
    relays.Relay2 = false;
    relays.Relay3 = true;
    relays.Relay4 = true;

or even better would be this…

    case 0:
        relays.Relay1 = true;
        relays.Relay2 = false;
        relays.Relay3 = false;
        relays.Relay4 = false;

    case 1:
        relays.Relay1 = false;
        relays.Relay2 = true;
        relays.Relay3 = false;
        relays.Relay4 = false;

    case 2:
        relays.Relay1 = false;
        relays.Relay2 = false;
        relays.Relay3 = true;
        relays.Relay4 = true;

or even better still would be…

relays.Relay1 = (index == 0);
relays.Relay2 = (index == 1);
relays.Relay3 = (index == 2);
relays.Relay4 = (index == 2);


Wow… I totally missed the problem - nice catch with the {}. I got the code tag stuff right, though.

Thanks. Hopefully, that’s all it was :wink:

Here is what I’ve tried and the relays do not change state when I advance the screens. On boot up relay1 comes on and stays on no matter what screen I advance to.

using System;
using System.Threading;
using Microsoft.SPOT;
//using Microsoft.SPOT.Presentation;
//using Microsoft.SPOT.Presentation.Controls;
//using Microsoft.SPOT.Presentation.Media;
using Microsoft.SPOT.Touch;

using GHIElectronics.NETMF.Glide;
using GHIElectronics.NETMF.Glide.Display;
using UI = GHIElectronics.NETMF.Glide.UI;

using Gadgeteer.Networking;
using GT = Gadgeteer;
using GTM = Gadgeteer.Modules;
using Gadgeteer.Modules.GHIElectronics;
using Gadgeteer.Modules.Seeed;

namespace device2
    public partial class Program
        // This will hold the windows.       
        static Window[] windows = new Window[3];

        // Indicates the current window index.        
        static int index = 0;

        static int count = 0;
        static GT.Interfaces.AnalogInput sensor;

        static GT.Interfaces.PWMOutput Piezo;     

        // This method is run when the mainboard is powered up or reset.   
        void ProgramStarted()
            // Load the windows           
            windows[0] = GlideLoader.LoadWindow(Resources.GetString(Resources.StringResources.Window1));
            windows[1] = GlideLoader.LoadWindow(Resources.GetString(Resources.StringResources.Window2));
            windows[2] = GlideLoader.LoadWindow(Resources.GetString(Resources.StringResources.Window3));

            // Activate touch            

            // Initialize the windows.          

            // Assigning a window to MainWindow flushes it to the screen.           
            // This also starts event handling on the window.           
            Glide.MainWindow = windows[index];

            Piezo = eBlockExpansion1.SetupPWMOutput(GT.Socket.Pin.Nine);

                case 0:
                    relays.Relay1 = true;
                    relays.Relay2 = false;
                    relays.Relay3 = false;
                    relays.Relay4 = false;

                case 1:
                    relays.Relay1 = false;
                    relays.Relay2 = true;
                    relays.Relay3 = false;
                    relays.Relay4 = false;

                case 2:
                    relays.Relay1 = false;
                    relays.Relay2 = false;
                    relays.Relay3 = true;
                    relays.Relay4 = true;

            Debug.Print("Program Started");

I will try the second example as well. I wonder if it would be better to attach the relay events to the touch screen “next” and “back” tapOn events?
