SDK Installer

Two quick suggestions:

  1. Make it uninstall older versions before installing (easy enough)
  2. Add uninstall link to program files menu.
  1. It already does that… But latest version has some compatibility issues with previous versions so uninstall is needed…
    2)We will look into it. But lately, most programs I install on PC do not have an uninstall link.

On that note.
Would it be possible to also automatically update references in the projects?
Say a small application where you gave the root location of your projects and the application traversed all projects updating references accordingly ?

That would be awesome! 8)
Maybe something the community can make?

I suspect that if you set the “Specific Version” property on all references to False then it will always use the latest version…

There’s another thing the GHI SDK installer does that should be looked at. It puts things like the templates into the per-user settings. I have a roaming profile and when I’m not running with a connection to my profile server, when I load VC# Express it complains that it can’t reference my profile and I don’t get to see the Fez templates.

There are a few pieces to install to get going with this stuff. I helped a few people get started and they all needed at least a little guidance, even though it was basically RFTM on the tinclr Download page.

MSFT has some recent technologies that may help here. Has anyone thought about if Nuget (, formerly Nupack) could help here? NuGet handles depedancies and makes it easier to get libraries installed and running.

If that isn’t a fit, would the new Visual Studio Extension Manager help?

So NuGet ( was released today. This makes it brain dead easy to install extensions into Visual Studio. It seems like the Fez/GHI templates and tools would be a great fit and make it a little easier for people to get started.

Getting listed in the nuget catalog would also be another way for developers to discover the joy of Fez.

I’d be happy to help with this if there’s interest.

Thank you we will look into it.