SDK 2016 R1 Pre-Release 1 G400-D Dev Board Tiny booter

SDK 2016 R1 Pre-Release 1
First time usage of a G400-D Dev Board I got about a month ago.

I cannot get it to load the GHI Boot Loader Interface.

Power on
Press buttons LDR0 and LDR1
Press Reset
Release buttons LDR0 and LDR1

Universal Serial Bus devices G400 always loads.

I never get the GHI Boot Loader Interface serial port

Using FEZ Config on Windows 10 Pro

As a note. This worked on the G120E Developer Board I have

EDIT Update:

I just went through the sequence and reloaded everything on my G120E Dev Board and a G80 Dev. Board and everything worked so I assume the software on my PC is OK.

@ willgeorge - I think you need to follow this instructions [url][/url]

@ RobvanSchelven -

Thank You… Now I remember seeing that information.

Thanks again!

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