Sd-card fezzer sample help

On the SD-card detect fezzer sample for cobra. Can someone figure out how to change this line to work with Domino/Other:

private InterruptPort interrupt = new InterruptPort((Cpu.Pin)FEZ_Pin.Interrupt.IO33
//, true, Port.ResistorMode.PullUp, Port.InterruptMode.Int...


I don’t think card detection is hooked up on domino. I don’t see it from schematics.

There is no card detect pin on the socket but I believe GHI provides a method to detect the card by sensing its data pins.

like this? [url][/url]

Yeah, that’s it.

Yes. Like that. However we (all) need an event driven method for same. You could poll on a thread calling DetectSDCard(), but that is kinda a hack IMHO. Can someone with more exp in this area do a sample on fezzer using data pins and event to do same? tia