Schematics for GHI relay module

Does anyone know how to get the schematics for GHI relay module??

Thank you in advance.

Everything related to gadgeteer is on the gadgeteer codeplex.

welcome to the community.

Thank you, but I can’t find the hardware schematics (for GHI Relay module) like this one:

I need it for a project that have to be CE approved.

Thank you in advance! :slight_smile:

GHI hasn’t released a relay module for Gadgeteer yet. The one in their store is actually produced by Seeed. You need to check with them.

I was not aware of that - sorry!.

Thank you very much for your response!

Your welcome. Welcome to the community!

Just to clarify Gus’ point above. Many Gadgeteer modules from different manufacturers have been released as open-source through the site. The source often includes the driver source files, as well as the hardware design.

In the case of the Seeed Relays module, the schematics are under:

Source Code > (Latest Version) Browse > Main > Modules > Relays > Hardware

More specifically, after listing the latest source code:

Main > Modules > Seeed > Relays > Hardware