RS9110 firmware update failed: Time out

I have a RS9110 that i had shutdown (cut the power) while the firmware update was running :whistle:

Just for testing :wink: but now i’m unable to update again… any tricks? or do i have to replace it?

Start Updating WiFi module firmware:
This might take up to 1 minute
0 Sec
1 Sec
98 Sec
99 Sec
RS9110 firmware update failed: Time out
#### Exception GHI.Premium.Net.NetworkInterfaceExtensionException - 0x00000000 (1) ####
#### Message:
#### GHI.Premium.Net.WiFiRS9110::UpdateFirmware [IP: 006a] ####
#### IRC.Program::ExecLine [IP: 0143] ####
#### IRC.Program+ExecTheseLines::Run [IP: 00d2] ####
#### IRC.Program::RunConfig [IP: 0633] ####
#### IRC.Program::RunNextConfigThread [IP: 0095] ####
#### IRC.Program::Main [IP: 03f2] ####

@ David@ Emrol -

On what device please?

A custom board based on G120.

Tried to update some more times but always timeout at 100 sec, looking at the driver and the datasheet i don’t see other ways to fix this.

Replaced the module and everything is working again but it seems you can actual corrupt these modules if you have a power problem when a firmware update is running. :think: