Robot in the house

@ Architect - You should make the list and add me to it and then the next time I order something you can get even with me for mocking your list! :whistle:

You laugh now, Gary, but just wait until you have a project that needs a lightning detector module. Then who’ll be laughing? Right, @ Architect? :wink:


Gary, thanks for posting the code. Unfortunately, I’m more interested in the schematic files right now. I’m needing to build something very similar and I’d love to compare to your proven design. :smiley:

@ devhammer - You are right, I simply spoke too soon, @ Architect will you accept the most heart felt and sincerest apology from me for mocking the community’s “list” with my name on it?

@ Gary - We are good! 8)

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Oh look architect has the image sideways too, just like Gary does :slight_smile:

@ Gus - Pun intended :wink:

Talking of robots, I would love to afford this beast and NETMF it.

@ devhammer… safe for work this time :whistle:

LOL, but definitely not safe for wallets. :slight_smile:

Santa came a little early for me today… What a fun little bot! Of course, I didn’t buy any 3.7V batteries in advance. So, its wired up to a 9V and runs just fine. I’ll probably just have to replace it every 10 minutes. My only complaint so far is that there is no on/off switch. Its a real pain to have to unplug the battery to turn it off.


@ ianlee74 Very cool! Love the sounds as well:)

@ ianlee74 - Glad you like mBot… As always with robots, we had fun playing with it!.

bool buttonIsUp(Button_t * button){
        return *button == 1;

mBot mybot;
void stopIfButtonPress(){
      if (!buttonIsUp(&btn1)){

source (mBot - | Mbed". If you search, seems like I recall (?) more examples of putting the processor into low power mode(s). My favorite Google search for all things mBuino:[quote] “ <your keyword(s) here>”[/quote]

Tip of the day, make sure that if you tweak the pre-loaded program and then run it without [em]catching hands[/em] from a high surface… I lost the wheel of one of my bots. We had a short ceremony and buried her in the casket of spare parts. :frowning:

@ Jeff - Sorry, it didn’t click with me what you were trying to teach me when you posted that code. It took an 8 year old to teach me this yesterday… :-[

So, I retract my complaint. However, it would be better if this were better documented and maybe labeled on the bot itself.

To turn off the bot: Hold down BTN1 for a couple seconds.
To turn on the bot: Push the RESET button.

Going forward we plan on adding comments at the top of the main program.

[quote]…it would be better if this were better documented and maybe labeled on the bot itself.

To turn off the bot: Hold down BTN1 for a couple seconds.
To turn on the bot: Push the RESET button.[/quote]

Thanks for speaking-up; sometimes, for nerds like me, it’s easy to overlook the basic aspects of a product.

While this does work, I would still prefer an actual switch that isn’t dependent on code to be able to turn the bot off. The batteries are not easily removed and during development, a software-only solution isn’t really ideal. Since this is meant to be a development platform more than a permanent single-function bot, I think a slider switch makes more sense.