RFID 13.56MHz

Hi guys,

some of you might know that I am working on a time and attendance system in
combination with a RFID door opening system.
Many problems I have encountered have been solved by they community, thanks again to everybody who helped.
Now we have a bigger problem, we got a RFID-reader from HID-Global that communicates over the RS232-Port,
but there is no chance of getting any valuable information from it, not through Hydra, Cerberus or even PC.

The best and simplest way of achieving my goal would be a RFID-module, but unfortunately there only exists a 125KHz
module, the 125KHz technology is a bit outdated and our customer is requesting the usage of the 13.56MHz model.(thats why we tried the HID-Reader)

So my question is if anyone has or has had experience with the 13.56MHz model, if there is any module planned or if anybody is interested in creating one?

Thanks in advance,


Hiya Matt

I have been thinking about this as well for a pet project.
What are your requirements?


Hi Justin,

Pet project, what specific if I may ask?
Requirements, good question, we haven’t really thought about those yet, since we wanted to see how what the response is.
The thing that I know for now is that it needs to at least support the Mifare-standard, it would be great if it would be able to write too, although I think that would make the module way to expensive.
I’m not familiar with creating such modules, so I’m not sure which other requirements I need to consider, any int?
What are yours?


The pet project i had in mind is actually for my kids to lock their bit’s and pieces away from each other with a wristband activated vault so to speak to stop WWIII over lego :smiley:

As there seems to be a greater selection of wristbands in Mifare i was thinking of trying to create a Gadgeteer module - doesnt seem that difficult (famous last words i know)…

No sure what your budget is but looks like around ÂŁ30 for read/write module which would be simple to hook upto a FEZ


That’s a great idea, will keep that in mind if I ever have kids :smiley:

Good that we have the standard in common.
Too bad I’m not a too big help creating the module, I don’t have any experience in the electronics sector :confused: But it would be great to start this module, I would try and help wherever I can. We really need such a module to continue our(my) work on this project.

It would be very simple to create a carrier Gadgeteer board to plug in one of those modules or just use a MakeBread or extender board and wire it up.
What FEZ do you want to plug it into?

Hydra and Cerberus for now

I’ll divert next weeks grocery money and put the kids onto stale bread and mouldy cheese for a week and get one of the modules and get it running on my Bee next week.

I’ll send you some crackers if you want :wink:

Would be great if you manage to get it running

Your too late - i’m already crackers… :smiley:

Damn, then I can’t send you nuts either :wink:

lol - yes don’t feed the Monkey…

Righto, back on topic…

Think I will try using one of these http://www.coolcomponents.co.uk/catalog/rfid-module-sm130-mifare-1356-p-679.html

Do you have any ideas yet on cases etc as this might have a bearing on antenna design.

Looks good!
No we haven’t gotten that far yet, but can’t the antenna be changed anytime later too?
Like adding just a simple standard antenna for now, if something like that exists and then later on
we adapt the antenna to the project?

How about a Gadgeteer module with the SM130 and a few ancillary components and a connector for an external antenna.
Start with comms via UART with I2C later if wanted.
Later on if you could change the module with inbuilt antenna to make things neater.

Now half of that sounds like a foreign language to me :wink:
So I need the xbee module + SM130 + what else?
How are you going to do it?

Dont need to xbee.
Just need the SM130 and a carrier board to make it easier to plug into your boards.
I will create a Gadgeteer board to plug the SM130 and other ancillary parts and an antenna connector.
Then just plug it into a “U” socket and off you go.
Where abouts are you as if we buy from the factory (Turkey) they are $19.90ea with a minimum order spend of $69

I like DIY but only if I know what I’m doing, I would rather, if possible, see how your solution looks like, before I try one on my own.
I don’t want to steal your idea, but I don’t know enough electronics to create something that works :slight_smile:

I’m happy to get the board designed and created and send you one if you want.
It’s all open source so it’s not stealing :wink:

That would be great, I live in South Tyrol(Italy) btw.
True true :smiley: but you never know :slight_smile: