RETRO Competition - Timing of the actual judging/review

When is the game actually judged?

Due to my travel agenda this month, so that I do not miss the deadline, I submitted my games early. In the meantime I am still tinkering with the games when I get a little time and would like the latest version to be reviewed. Esp. since I noticed that I accidentally committed one of the games with a compile error… I know??? but I could have sworn I compiled it before committing.

Good question! Since I’m still debugging and improving, I didn’t dare to submit any game to yet.

Speaking of contest entry submission: on the rules page this is mentioned: [quote]The Participant must also complete an Entry Submission Form on which includes links to game demonstrations and links to related game source code.[/quote] I found the form, but wonder how to publish the game source code. Is a private link okay or must the code be published as public? At this stage none of my code is final and it’s too messy to show it to others…

@ taylorza - March 3, 2015

@ maxint - Code gets posted to your mbed account and you provide us with a link to that code.

@ Gary - Great, thanks…

I know??? but I could have sworn I compiled it before committing.

None of us have ever done that… :-[
Well… Not on purpose…


Is it ok to open games for general public before contest is over?

What is happening?! :open_mouth:

Did we just brake with all the RETRO competition submissions?


(Site is down for me)

[evil mode]
Aha, it worked! Now no one can beat me… :dance:
[/evil mode]

Naah… at the moment the website works just right … Maybe you submitted to much code? :wink:

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It works fine today.