Releasing the NETMF and Gadgeteer Package 2014 R2-Beta1 SDK!

SPAM! But she looks cute. :-[

Cute account is deleted

Story of my life… :cry: … ;D

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the memory leak bug in https has been fixed?



what happened to:

On my FEZ Cobra II Net I have problems handling incoming socket connections. I have ported the code I used on my 4.2 setup but the above call was no longer available and can't find any substitute. It looks like it is still needs because my webserver is listening but no incoming connections are accepted.

I just asked me the same question.
So far it works without that line.

I played around with the Network availability by connection/disconnecting the network cable.
I’m using a G120 custom board with ENC28 (FW 4.3 beta 2)

I get the NetworkChange.NetworkAvailabilityChanged event when I disconnect the network cable, but EthernetENC28J60.NetworkAvailable stays true (which sould be named “IsNetworkAvailable” btw.).

AssignNetworkingStackTo(eth); for WiFiRS9110 Its moved to the RS9110.Open method maybe for ENC28 also

I cant get mine to work…

in my ProgramStarted:

            eth = new GHI.Networking.EthernetENC28J60(SPI.SPI_module.SPI2, GHI.Pins.G120.P1_10, GHI.Pins.G120.P2_11, GHI.Pins.G120.P1_9, 4000);
           // eth. .NetworkAddressChanged += Interface_NetworkAddressChanged;

            if (!eth.Opened)

            eth.NetworkInterface.EnableStaticIP("", "", "");

         Thread myWebServer = new Thread(webServer);

And I have a webserver:

        private static void webServer()
            const Int32 c_port = 2521; // 80;

            // Create a socket, bind it to the server's port, and listen for client 
            // connections.
            Socket server = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork,
                SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp);
            IPEndPoint localEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, c_port);
            while (true)
                    // Wait for a client to connect.
                    Socket clientSocket = server.Accept();

                    // Process the client request.  true means asynchronous.
                    new ProcessClientRequest(clientSocket, true);

server.Accept never returns. I am able to ping the device though so something is working.

ohh time to quit for today ::slight_smile:

the port was wrong :slight_smile: Changed if from 2521 to 80 and all is nice…

@ Reinhard Ostermeier and T_Langholen - AssignNetworkingStackTo no longer exists. It is now handled internally. NetworkAvailable should now properly be set to false when applicable. Additionally, its name was changed to NetworkIsAvailable in the next beta.

Also please make sure to report issues in the following thread instead of this one:

I found a strange bug for network sockets and HttpListener that is related to G400 and Hydra board. The program run correctly ONLY under VS debug.

It is described in the thread:

It seems to be related to Atmel mcu firmware. This problem doesn’t happen on a FEZ Spider. I’ve no Cobra II in my hand to test in this moment.