Red Bull Creation Contest

It’s an Arduino contest but you get an awesome Bullduino board to build your project with if you’re selected. Even if you aren’t interested in the contest, you need to check out this website. AWESOME!

Love the mac interface! Very cool site indeed.

Just watched reinvented Pong, pretty slick.

Anything that involves a Hammock gets my vote as they don’t call me M.C. Hammock for nothing.

Wow! That is very neat website.

I got a letter today saying that a Bullduino is heading my way. However, I overlooked the fact that the entries are due on July 3rd (6 days from now…). So, if it arrives in time then maybe I’ll have a little time to whip up something small. I don’t really have time to get the parts for what I originally had in mind plus my weekend is already mostly booked. Did anyone else enter? Any ideas based on parts I could source locally? Zombie Appocalypse themed projects get extra points :wink:

Unfortunately they are out of Bullduino boards and the registration has been closed :frowning: Here is the board presented on hack-a-day

My board arrived today. Really nice packaging. Read about the unboxing here.

Here’s my entry. It’s not a very sophisticated project and could probably be done without a uC fairly easily. But it was a fun weekend project that got the kids involved and gave me an excuse to take a uC on a fishing trip. :slight_smile:

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@ ianlee74 - Now I know I have a lot to learn about .NETMF, Gadgeteer and all things electronic, all of which I am learning from this community through reading the posts etc. Now I see that I can even learn about movie making, that is really well done video and kudos to the actor!

I know nothing about fishing, so I can’t comment on the actual project other than it looks cool :slight_smile:

@ ianlee74 - Nice 1

That must have been a big one to pull the pole into the (virtual) water! Cute kids!

Thanks, everyone. By far the hardest part of this project was trying to get a 4 year old to pull the fishing pole into the water :smiley: After at least 10 takes and the limit of her patience, that was the best we could stitch together. It was fun.