Recommended Web Host?

So here I am, wondering why I’ve been asked to verify my email address repeatedly this week.

Well, that’s probably because ASPHostPortal “upgraded” their services. That’s swell. A heads up would have been nice since the said “upgrade” resulted in:

[ol]All of my sites going down
All of my services going down
All files, subdomains and secondary domains being removed
All databases being blasted
All emails being erased and email accounts removed[/ol]

I believe I’ll be looking for a new host.

Bummer man. That’s a bummer!

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I have been using for several years.
Use this link and I might get a referral fee. - Unlimited ASP.NET Web Hosting
Yeah, I could totally profit from his, but you asked me.

Skew, been using for 7 years. Have 2 sites with them. Never had one issue with them, and support is awesome.

I’m hosting my blog using Azure Web Apps (Basic plan), and recently changed over from Orchard CMS to Wordpress. Pretty happy so far. Still some room for improvement on perf, but I’m getting in the 80s on both YSlow and Google Page Insights, so it’s in pretty good shape overall.

I’ve got another site that’s been with OrcsWeb for a long time, but I may move that over to Azure, just to simplify and have the management all in one place.

Site5 has worked well for me, too.

I’ve tried to go to your web site last day, and I’ve asked me why is it unreachable. Now I’ve the answer !!!

I use for my web site (void these days by lack of time !).