Read 8 IO at a time


Arduino has port or register definitions PINA, B and C that allow 8 io pins to be read as a byte all at once. I guess FEZ has something similar, a register that can be read to perfrom the same thing perhaps? Can someone tell me how this is done.

I see no mention in documentation or beginners manual. Do I have to go back to the chip data sheet ?


How or why are you going to use this?

Say I have a device with a parallel interface. I would not want to read the state of each individual pin and then do a lot of bit maths and shifting to make a byte or nibble… commonly you would read an IO register and get the IO pins input state aranged as a byte.

Yes agree but I was trying to learn what parallel device you are using. Do you have use for it or only curious if it exists?

Btw, we have added parallel class but it is not public yet

Speaking of which. Any news on when the new version is coming? Just curious if you guys have a schedule for firmware updates.

I do not think there is a set date for next SDK. Especially that there isn’t any major needs for new release.

There is a parallel class on this site here…

I don’t know how fast it runs… Worth a try though.

Cheers Ian

It is going to be much slower than our native support.


That class is just a wrapper around an array of 8 OutputPorts.

GHI implementation is much faster.

The point was… The native support isn’t out yet, I thought he wanted something now!!!

@ Gus when will native support for parallel out put be available… I nave oodles of graphical screens (T6963C controllers) that I can use… I have converted one to SPI using Savitch’s code and hardware… It will be better if it was connected parallel.

Cheers Ian

You can use the register class, see an example here :

For details see the LPC23xx user manual:

You can find a port of lpc23xx.h to c# here:

I have used the Register class before for TFT LCD in 8bit mode (it is on fezzer as well). But the new parallel code from beta is so much faster than Register approach.

My Register code fills full (320x240) screen 16bit per pixel for about 1:30 min. And that code was highly optimized. New parallel code does it in 1 second. :o
Again thanks GHI for adding that. All that is left is to make it public in the new release. :wink:


Yeah, our Mike did a great job there :clap:

Ditto :slight_smile: