Hello All,
How does one initialize pwm5 on the cerbuino without specifying a socket number?
Hello All,
How does one initialize pwm5 on the cerbuino without specifying a socket number?
Something like this:
leftMotor = new PWM(Cpu.PWMChannel.PWM_4, 1000, 0.5, false);
@ Architect, Where did the namespace that contains PWM disappear to?
Into its own assembly:
Assembly Microsoft.SPOT.Hardware.PWM.dll
Namespace Microsoft.SPOT.Hardware
@ Arch, Wow wouldn’t have guess that. Is there a document that outlines the major changes from Fez to Gadgetter? I only got my first Cerbuino a few weeks ago and so far things are confusing.
This change is not a “Fez to Gadgeteer” but more of a “4.1 to 4.2”. Start with “What’s new”