PWM pins as TIM

Will I be able to use the PWM pins as timers in pulse counters mode? If yes then how?

I guess you can use marshal to change some registers.

I try change TIMx auto-reload register (TIMx_ARR) and I can’t
I want use 32-bit timer2 or timer5

Address offset: 0x2C
Reset value: 0xFFFF FFFF
The counter is blocked while the auto-reload value is null.

const uint TIM2_BASE = 0x40000000;
uint tim_offset = 0x2C;

int tim_reg = Marshal.ReadInt32((IntPtr)(TIM2_BASE + tim_offset));
Debug.WriteLine("tim_offset=" + tim_offset.ToString("X") + " tim_reg=" + tim_reg.ToString("X")); //tim_offset=2C tim_reg=00

Marshal.WriteInt32((IntPtr)(TIM2_BASE + tim_offset), (unchecked((int)0xFFFFFFFF)));

tim_reg = Marshal.ReadInt32((IntPtr)(TIM2_BASE + tim_offset));
Debug.WriteLine("tim_offset=" + tim_offset.ToString("X") + " tim_reg=" + tim_reg.ToString("X")); //tim_offset=2C tim_reg=00

I try change other registers and also I can’t. Why?

These are the available register to use. If you find an issue we can easily fix for you

What register did you want to access? we will add if this is needed and not in the current list.


  var pwm2 = PwmController.FromName(SC20260.PwmChannel.Controller2.Id);
  var pwm2_1 = pwm2.OpenChannel(SC20260.PwmChannel.Controller2.PA15);

I can read and write registers

const uint TIM2_BASE = 0x40000000; //0x40000000 - 0x400003FF TIM2
uint tim_offset = 0x2C;
int tim_reg = Marshal.ReadInt32((IntPtr)(TIM2_BASE + tim_offset));
Debug.WriteLine("tim_offset=" + tim_offset.ToString("X") + " tim_reg=" + tim_reg.ToString("X")); //tim_offset=2C tim_reg=FFFFFFFF
tim_reg = tim_reg - 0xF;
Marshal.WriteInt32((IntPtr)(TIM2_BASE + tim_offset), tim_reg);
tim_reg = Marshal.ReadInt32((IntPtr)(TIM2_BASE + tim_offset));
Debug.WriteLine("tim_offset=" + tim_offset.ToString("X") + " tim_reg=" + tim_reg.ToString("X")); //tim_offset=2C tim_reg=FFFFFFF0

but this is not correct - the PWM pins are set to output.

I want to use Timer 2 or Timer 5 to measure frequency. I need to get the number of pulses in a time interval. How can I do it?

@Dat_Tran this is related to the frequency counter we have in issues

Yes. I am trying to do this across registers. but this is quite difficult

There are a lot registers need to be change. The pin need to be switched to timer input instead of pwm output also. Anyway, we can take a look if this is important to you.

But we don’t think it is accurate if control stop/start by C#. How accurate do you want?

I understand it. But unfortunately you don’t have a frequency counter yet.

Yet :nerd_face:

Yes, this is important for me because I have an old project based on the G120 that will need to be translated to a new SITCore module (SCM20260N)

Does G120 have frequency counter class?

No but it has RLP :slight_smile:

No. I have only 2 function: InitMeasureFreq(), MeasureFreq()
This functions used Register class for writing and reading timer registers

I used the example “G120 pulse counting using registers” by MikeCormier from Codeshare

in this way, I got a measurement accuracy of 1E-5

As far as I remember, NETMF has a limitation - do not use timer 0. Is there a similar limitation in TinyCLR?

Yes but please wait. We are almost done