PulseFeedback with same pin for pulse and echo

I have a grove ultrasonic sensor with which pulse and echo share the same pin. In doc, it seems pulse and echo can’t share the same pin.
What can be my options ?

Those are rare and so we do not plan to support for now but we should look into it in the future. Try in managed it might work.

I try this, but no way :disappointed_relieved::

using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Threading;
using GHIElectronics.TinyCLR.Devices.Gpio;
using GHIElectronics.TinyCLR.Devices.Signals;
using GHIElectronics.TinyCLR.Pins;

namespace testPulseFeedbackSamePin
    static class Program
        private static PulseFeedback _pf;
        static void Main()

            while (true)
            // ReSharper disable once FunctionNeverReturns

        private static void Loop()
            var time = _pf.Trigger();
            var distance = time.TotalMilliseconds * 1000.0 * 0.018;

        private static void Setup()
            var ctl = GpioController.GetDefault();
            var _pulse = ctl.OpenPin(SC20100.GpioPin.PA2);
            _pf = new PulseFeedback(_pulse,_pulse, PulseFeedbackMode.DurationUntilEcho)
                DisableInterrupts = false,
                EchoValue = GpioPinValue.High,
                PulseValue = GpioPinValue.High,
                Timeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1),
                PulseLength = TimeSpan.FromTicks(100)

I mean try without pulse feedback. How does the sensor work?

It’s a grove Ultrasonic ranger module. It’s like an hc-sr04 but echo and pulse are on same pin (SIG).
I need to send a high level on SIG. Change Output in Input and just after wait for a raising edge on SIG.
But time is important, I don’t think managed level can keep it accurate.

Wait for rising or falling edge? If falling then you can treat it like capacitive sensing.

I do have the one that use only one pin in c#. We tested on TinyCLR SC13xxx. Hopefully that help.

public class Ultrasonic
        GpioPin pulsePin;
        const int timeout = 1 * 1000 * 1000;
        public Ultrasonic(GpioPin pulsePin)
            this.pulsePin = pulsePin;

        long PulseLength()
            var begin = Micro();
            // wait for any previous pulse to end
            while (this.pulsePin.Read() == GpioPinValue.High)
                if (MicrosDiff(begin, Micro()) >= timeout)
                    return 0;

            // wait for the pulse to start
            while (!(this.pulsePin.Read() == GpioPinValue.High))
                if (MicrosDiff(begin, Micro()) >= timeout)
                    return 0;

            var pulseBegin = Micro();

            // wait for the pulse to stop
            while (this.pulsePin.Read() == GpioPinValue.High)
                if (MicrosDiff(begin, Micro()) >= timeout)
                    return 0;

            var pulseEnd = Micro();

            return MicrosDiff(pulseBegin, pulseEnd); ;

        long Duration()
            long duration;
            duration = PulseLength();
            return duration;

        public long MeasureInCentimeters()
            long RangeInCentimeters;
            RangeInCentimeters = Duration() / 29 / 2;
            return RangeInCentimeters;
        /*The measured distance from the range 0 to 4000 Millimeters*/
        public long MeasureInMillimeters()
            long RangeInMillimeters;
            RangeInMillimeters = Duration() * (10 / 2) / 29;
            return RangeInMillimeters;
        /*The measured distance from the range 0 to 157 Inches*/
        public long MeasureInInches()
            long RangeInInches;
            RangeInInches = Duration() / 74 / 2;
            return RangeInInches;

        static long MicrosDiff(long begin, long end)
            return end - begin;

        static long Micro()
            return DateTime.Now.Ticks / 10;

        static void DelayMicroSecond(int microsecond)
            var begin = Micro();

            while (Micro() - begin < microsecond) ;



I’ll give it a try, as soon as I finish my clock project !
Thanks for this code. :beers:

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It’s working very well !!!

Thanks again.

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