Project - Pusher Client for .NET and .NETMF

Pusher Client for .NET and .NETMF

[title]JDI PusherClient[/title]

This project implements a full featured Pusher client for .NET and .NETMF, and includes a .NET Win Forms application and a .NETMF console application to demonstrate how to use the PusherClient class.

The design is based on the Pusher Protocol Pusher Channels Protocol, and has the following features:
[ul]Includes both a .NET and a .NETMF version of the Pusher client.
Includes a Win Forms application for demo-ing and testing.
Includes a MF console application for demo-ing and testing.
Pusher protocol 5
WebSocket protocol version 13
WebSocket keep alive with Ping and Pong messages
Secure SSL/TLS communication
Configurable options:
** WebSocket Origin
** WebSocket Masking
** WebSocket Encryption (wss)
** Activity Timer
** Activity Timeout[/ul]

Features not yet implemented:
[ul]Private and Presence Channels[/ul]

The images shown here are of the MFConsole application Debug Logger output, and the Win Forms window and output.

This project is being maintained on CodePlex at:

Most of the code is identical between the .NET version and the .NETMF version. In most cases the actual code files are in the .NET project, and these files are then linked to the .NETMF project.


I was looking to give this a try.
what is your impressions of Pusher?

@ MikeCormier - I only have a “free” account on Pusher to test this client software, but I can think of a lot of uses for home automation. The only issue for me is that their pricing is a little high for home use.

Thanks, now all I have to do is get back up and running and another demo device is going again.

Do you know of any other sites like where I can have them send a message to Pusher (and hence on to my device) whenever a searched for word or appears in a tweet?

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Paul is a really great guy at as he put a rush on the Twitter fix so I could have blinky lights every time a tweet contains ‘Gadgeteer’ during my presentation. Works sweet with Pusher and @ jasdev Pusher Client.