Project - How-to: Use MikroElektronika Click Boards with Gadgeteer

I just posted How-to: Use MikroElektronika Click Boards with Gadgeteer on Codeshare. Feel free to discuss and make suggestions here.


@ scardinale - This looks really nice! Great job.

@ scardinale - good work :clap:

This really shows the power of NETMF, C# for embedded devices, MBN and a clever guy - mixed together. Well done Stephen! :clap:

@ scardinale - Looks really good. :clap:

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Now you can :

  • use MBN mainboards with Click boards
  • use MBN mainboards with Gadgeteer modules
  • use Gadgeteer mainboards with Click boards

All with the same NETMF drivers ! ( )

Isn’t life beautiful ? :wink: