Project - Extended display_n18 driver for Gadgeteering (Medusa)

I just posted Extended display_n18 driver for Gadgeteering (Medusa) on Codeshare. Feel free to discuss and make suggestions here.

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I think I found a small bug in
void display_n18_osre::fill_rect()
it says

in the 1st line. Why is there a -1 for with but not for height ?
If I draw a 1 pixel horizontal line (height == 1) then I get 2 pixel height.
Changing it to 

```cpp]this->set_clipping_area(static_cast<unsigned char>(x), static_cast<unsigned char>(y), static_cast<unsigned char>(width - 1), static_cast<unsigned char>(height - 1));[/code

solves the issue, but I think some of the loop iterations could be omitted as well.