Problem with Altium designer

Hello every one,
I have a problem with Althium designer on my desktop computer. When I prepare a schematic design of a circuit and want to switch to the pcb design, the software’s window disappears and becomes white. This is the case for some computers. I would like to know if this problem is related with the graphic card of the computer and compatibility issue or something else. For example, does Altium need the graphic card to support OpenGel orShaderX or something like that? My other question is whether this issue can be resolved through any change of preferences like MATLAB that needs OpenGEL, but with a command in its console environment resolves the compatibility issue. I would appreciate if you could email me about your solution at normanmedi@

welcome to our forums, but this is not a tech support point of call for Altium, nor even a large user-base of Altium (although there are users here). I’m sorry, but i don’t think you’re going to get any useful here here

I use Altium myself and if you want help I suggest you contact your Altium rep in your country as they will be able to offer help in finding the solution.

Altium Designer does have minimum hardware requirements and graphics driver is one of them.

@ Brett - Hello Brett and thank you for your message . I will notice your note for future posts. Of course, I received a good reply from one of the community members and I appreciate you.

@ Dave McLaughlin - Hello Dave and thank you very much for sharing your time and answering my question. I really appreciate you.