Problem installing .NET framework

Hi there,

I’m having trouble installing .NET framework ([url][/url]).

For exemple, I have some cerberus mainboard, which are not recognized as 4.3 framework even if I’ve installed the new loader and firmware on it.

In VS_2013 community it says that this board doesn’t support 4.3 firmware, and that I have to try V4.2 instead… but I don’t, I want to use 4.3 firmware with the 4.3 gadgeteer wrapper.

I you have any Idea.

Thanks a lot,

Pascal Henauer

PS: win7pro, VS2013 community, latest .NET microframework.

PS 2: I wanted to reinstall everyting from scratch but the "netmfvs2013.vsix " says that it is already installed, even if I unistall completly VS2013!

@ phnor

Welcome to the NetMF Forum.

Have you checked the Bootloader and the Firmware on the Cerberus Mainboard.

Check this links.
Loader Update:

Firmware Update:

The Firmeware and Boolader on the Board must match with the installed .Net Microframework Version on the developer machine.

Please check this…

Hi Pascal, welcome to the forum.

Fundamentally, the version of components you install from the list on the support page, if they install properly, will give you access to Cerberus family devices and 4.3. Can you tell us what you mean when you said “this board doesn’t support 4.3 firmware”? Are you shown an error? Or are you just shown a warning message that says the Cerberus is obsolete?

And if the error message is when you attempt to deploy an application, definitely do as @ Wolfgang says and check the firmware versions, as it’s critical that you have those all matching what versions you have installed on your PC

@ Wolfgang Feneberg -
Yes I’ve checked both, and the whole toolchain has the same number…

Eventhough, when I’m using the visual constructor in VS2013 (new project>gadgeteer), it says that cerberus board cannot be used in v4.3.

@ Brett -
“This board doesn’t support 4.3 firmware” this is an error I have when I create a new project using file>new project>gadgeteer (the visual wrapper). When I choose the cerberus, by default, it is selected as a 4.2 firmware, and when I select 4.3 firmware, it says that “this board doesn’t support 4.3 firmware, please check your hardware…”

But The firmware and the loader have been flashed to

ok, that just means you haven’t installed the components correctly.
If you go to the support page here [url][/url] you will get a “bouncing ball” of things you need to install. If you install the GHI SDK 2005 R1, you will get the correct 4.3 framework support for the Gadgeteer boards.