Premium lib?


since when exists a premium hardware and a premium lib??
For maybe a year I have created this thing (Please see the picture, only with the designer, I dont have hardware yet) and this was .NET Gagdeteer SDK 4.1. Today I have installed the 4.2 and I see USBHost (Premium)? Whats happened? Can I use all boards with 4.1 is it still free or not? Is the USBHost included free in the SDK 4.1?


Spider is premium. Please see

I have seen this.
I thought I have to pay for the Premium lib or something else. I didnt know that I have installed it on my machine with the .NET SDK 4.2
At this moment I dont want to use spider. I want to use Cerberus with the USB Host. I got it thx.
By the way when I click on Premium Libriary or OSHW Library there comes an error on the page:


Spider is premium, can use 4.1 or 4.2, and has usb host. Cerberus is not premium, can only use 4.2, and usb host isn’t in the firmware so isn’t possible. has the correct library links. Perhaps Gus fixed them, from the offers page they seem correct to me? Is that where you saw a bad link?

I cant use the USBHost with Cerberus? oO
When I take the designer and add the reference to the premium I got no error.
Buil is successful and here is the image.


I have downloaded from that and installed yes.

Did you add the Premium references shown in your image? Take them out and see what happens.

Yes, I am pretty sure usb host is not possible on cerb.

Ok sry my fault. I tried to change the board and I got the error…
Its poor I think.

So there is no other solution to take a usb stick or other usb devices on a cerb?


Usb client is what does mass storage. What “other” things do you want to do?

I wanted a test with a UMTS Surf Stick I know there is no driver but for this I wanted to write an driver. And I wanted to test a camera for a livestream not only to take pictures.
And I thought this should be go with each board and for such simple gadgetry I dont want to buy the spider or hydra board…

Hydra is open source too, so not possible to use usb host either

Read the wiki on usb client.

Surf stick = my guess you’re not going to get it working. Its certainly not simple.

Usb camera. You really need a premium device for that. Not enough memory on cerb family that’s for sure. Again, its not simple.

Ok thank you for the infos.

@ ChrisLE - Where was the bad library documentation link?

It happens when you go to this url:
And below, click on Premium Lib or OSHW and it will located to this:
or this:


The link for Premium Library located to:
and the link for the OSHW still doesnt work.


Sorry, they work correctly for me.

“our royalty-free Premium Library that” takes me to the premium library reference and “These offers also include our OSHW Library” takes me to the oshw list at so not sure what is going on for you.

Did you tested it here: by clicking on the images below? Please see the picture for what I mean.

Ok, great, thanks for clearing it up. Now it’s actionable.

Edit: I always use the link to get to the library references since it has 4.1 and 4.2 and the Microsoft netmf reference links all in one spot.

These have been updated.