I’ve been looking around for a simple clear (or tinted) plastic housing for the Panda II. Architect pointed me to his design on the wiki [url]GHI Electronics – Where Hardware Meets Software . I experimented with this using a scroll saw and some plexi. I soon found I couldn’t cut a straight (enough) line, let alone a circle, on my antique scroll saw!
Then I found Ponoko [url]Online Custom Laser Cutting Service - Used By Apple - FREE Sample, a spinoff of Sparkfun. I’m going to tweak Architect’s design slightly to work with the Panda II, and see what it costs to have some made. They have some flouro colors in acrylic that look super cool when you shine a small LED through them.
Anybody ever use Ponoko? Design suggestions also are appreciated.
I do have one design issue as a result of my first attempt with the saw… what to do about the SD card slot. I ended up cutting a chunk completely out of the top layer, but that leaves an annoying little (easy to loose) piece for the screw on that corner. I might be able to carve out enough to leave room for the card and keep it in one piece, but the card would then not be removable without unscrewing the whole thing. It would be easier to explain with it in front of me. Maybe a G+ video chat (aka hangout) is in order? I need to figure out InkScape first, so it will be a week or two.
Good idea. Are there any adhesives that remain “invisible” when applied to acrylic? That is, have the same refractive index and don’t discolor or haze it? I could also add another layer without glue, as the bolt/screw should hold it in place. A fourth layer would also give it a nicer finished look.
I’m thinking of using matte black for the first batch, as it doesn’t smear up with fingerprints as most acrylics do. I’ll be fondling these quite a bit Let me know if you have a preference for another color. They’ve got a nice tinted dark red that would look great with a Panda II. And those flouros would be great to show off at your local hackerspace!
I think epoxy is good for acrylic. It is always a good idea to try any glue on a scrap piece before using it on final product.
[quote]What size were the hex bolts (or screws?) you used?[/quote] I don’t remember the exact size, but 4-40 sounds about right. Obviously, for 4 layers case you’ll need longer screws. I just went to Home Depot and chose them right there (I had my case with me).
There are special adhesives made just for acrylic. If the pieces are perfectly mated you can use the type that is water thin, it creeps into the joint and produces a nearly invisible bond. For items that are not so perfect there is a thicker version. Check out Tap Plastics: [url]http://www.tapplastics.com/shop/category.php?bid=21&[/url] I have used the IPS-3 and IPS-16 that they sell.
Alrighty, the first 2 prototypes are ordered in 3mil red tint acrylic. It was $8.60 for one (not including shipping). I shared the design files as ‘FEZ Panda 2D Mount’ in SVG format, which anybody can download and tweak from Ponoko. I’ll post pictures when they arrive.
Finally got my first ponoko laser cut acrylic enclosure. The only mod I had to make was to bend down and resolder the barrel jack (fat) pins on the back of the board so it would lay absolutely flat on the bottom layer. Otherwise, it fit perfectly. The Ponoko experience was good, with my only gripe being it took too long to get here! I may have to crank up the bling factor by replacing the nylon bolts with shiny stainless 8) A big thanks goes to Architect for the original design.
I was up late trying to get the best red glow with a couple LEDs. There’s enough acrylic left for some vertically mounted flames 8) I’m not very good with the scroll saw, though… maybe for v2. Also, you can’t tell from these pics, but there is a SD card slot. A “special tool” of your choosing is required to insert/extract the card, as it does not extend past the case. Small plastic tweezers worked for me.