Please fix my name

My name is gone, it ran away after changing some information on the GHI website.
Also, “Same as shipping information.” is not checked on the page (which is what I changed).

The company name has been changed though (I emptied it)

By the way, it’s me, Robert :stuck_out_tongue:

Your ‘identity’ got stolen… ::slight_smile:

Yes, some kind of evil monkey stole my name :’(

You’re looking at it wrong, I highly value my upsidedown name. I’d just roll with it if I were you. Mark did just that for a while till Josh shut him down ::slight_smile:

Upside down doesn’t fool the monkey either :smiley:

You’re too smart for the system and it lost your name! Try updating again :wink:

If a monkey with the same name moves in, try adding your hair color like I do :wink:

Are you sure it wasn’t a monkey who stole it? ;D

test 123 test test 12 test

Edit: WOO it works :dance: :clap: