I want to use GPIO of socket Y.
This table tell my that the pin six of an Y socket should work (source : http://gadgeteer.codeplex.com/releases, the module’s builder guide)
Here is my code:
Socket 11 is X,P,U :
var socket = Gadgeteer.Socket.GetSocket(11, true, null, null);
var pin = socket.ReservePin(Gadgeteer.Socket.Pin.Six, null);
var port = new InterruptPort(pin, true, Port.ResistorMode.PullDown, Port.InterruptMode.InterruptEdgeLevelHigh);
Expected :
Having an interrupt port.
Actual :
ArgumentException is thrown in InterruptPort’s constructor.
Ps :
I tried with socket 8, same problem. (P U Y)
What’s the problem ? do we have any socket with 6 GPIO pins ?