PicoMax Cambridge

I know some of you have been waiting awhile for good example of how to use PicoMax as well as some updates. There’s actually a good reason I haven’t gotten CodeShare updated yet. A couple of months ago Microsoft Cambridge contacted me asking if I would be willing to re-release PicoMax under Apache 2 so they could use it as a teaching tool.

I had been waiting for a few example lesson plans so I could tailor examples to that. Somewhere the ball got dropped with either me not getting the email I was waiting on or simply missing it in my inbox. But Microsoft reached back out today and I’m all set to get PicoMax back out there as Apache with some demos. I’ve already updated CodeShare to reflect the new license; however you’ll want to be looking at https://picomax.codeplex.com/ from now on for updates.

I should have a couple of examples up tonight as well as more documentation, if there’s any specific requests please let me know and I will make sure they’re included. I’m very excited to see this end up in classrooms!


@ Skewworks - Wicked :slight_smile:


Somehow I’m just seeing this post… Congrats, Thom! This is awesome news.

Thanks Ian. :slight_smile:

I’ve just updated the codeplex page and added PicoMax to the products list on Skewworks.

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Now to find time to play… This election season and now Hurricane Sandy has me working overtime. Hasn’t been a lot of time for fun stuff lately. :frowning:

Tell me about it! I don’t have to worry about Sandy but I got new job, PicoMax, 3D, GameSlate, 2 kids, fiancé, Pipboy, etc. I scarcely remember sleep.