Pharos GPS Receivers

I thought there might be interest in the GPS receiver I use in most of my project.

I have been using the Pharos GPS receivers that come with Microsoft Streets and Trips. In recent versions, the receiver has been the Pharos iGPS-500. I have a version of Streets and Trips from 2006, and it uses the Pharos GPS-360 receiver. Both receivers work with the same code. The only difference is the long cord can not be removed from GPS-360 version.

To use these receivers, you need a device with a USB host connector and a GHI Premium library. The USBizi, EMX and G120 devices have the required support.

The receivers are very fast to lock. A receiver that has been inactive/unpowered for a long time, or has traveled a long distance, will take about a minute to update its internal tables and get a good GPS lock. Once a lock has been obtained, it takes about a second to get a lock after power up.

I have been buying the receivers on E-Bay. I have bought three this month. The least expensive was $12US, and most expensive was $19US.

I have used a Pharos receiver with a Domino to build a BIG clock, and a demonstration program using a Spider and a LCD display. The later program has been added to the CodeShare section.

The photos below are the Domino Clock, the EMX clock and a photo of the IGPS-500 and GPS-360 Streets and Trip packages.

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