Panda LDR Button

Is the LDR Button exposed to a pin between Di5 - Di12?

I am using those as an OutputPort, and wanted to use the LDR button for tripping a sensor(to test with manually).

When I run the program one of the pins goes high then shuts off. I could figure it out, but I just wanted to make sure that’s what is going on.

I am only assuming that I am using the same pin twice here.

I thought I saw it somewhere on here, but couldn’t find it. Nor could I figure it out reading the schematics.

Long term it won’t matter because I will be using the other IOs with my tinker kit.

If it’s the case that the LDR button is exposed to one of these pins, could we make a note of it on the Panda Brochure?

Mike in MN

LDR pin is not connected to any Di.
It is connected only to the button.

I bad, jumper wire came out and put it in the wrong spot so when it was floating it was enough to trip my relay board…

Well good to know either way…:slight_smile:

Mike in MN