Panda II: "the debugging target is not in an initialized state; rebooting..."

I’ve a Panda II with network shield and a thermometer in AN3.
If I reference in my VS project the assembly GHIEelectronics.NETMF.Hardware (required to run the Thermometer), every time I try to start debugging I’ve the error "“the debugging target is not in an initialized state; rebooting…” and the VS stops.
If I remove the assembly (and Thermometer code, of course), the project will start.

Any idea?


-Do you have latest firmware and SDK?
-How do you power the device?
-Show your code.

The board is new, just received yesterday.
ClrInfo.targetFrameworkVersion: 4.1.2821.0
SolutionReleaseInfo.solutionVendorInfo: GHI Electronics, LLC
SoftwareVersion.BuildDate: Apr 11 2011
SoftwareVersion.CompilerVersion: 410561

Ths SDK is the last one.
I’m powering via USB cable.

The code is really stupid:

using System;
using System.Threading;

using Microsoft.SPOT;
using Microsoft.SPOT.Hardware;

using GHIElectronics.NETMF.FEZ;

namespace FEZ_Panda_II_Application1
    public class Program
        public static void Main()
            // Blink board LED

            bool ledState = false;

            OutputPort led = new OutputPort((Cpu.Pin)FEZ_Pin.Digital.LED, ledState);
             FEZ_Components.Thermometer myThermometer = new FEZ_Components.Thermometer(FEZ_Pin.AnalogIn.An2);
             int temp = myThermometer.GetTemperatureCelsius();

            while (true)
                // Sleep for 500 milliseconds

                // toggle LED state
                ledState = !ledState;



Welcome to the forum by the way. You need to update the firmware - latest is

Update the firmware ! The latest release is June 30, 2011.

BTW, thank you :slight_smile:
I’m really a newbie…

ClrInfo.targetFrameworkVersion: 4.1.2821.0
SolutionReleaseInfo.solutionVendorInfo: GHI Electronics, LLC
SoftwareVersion.BuildDate: Jun 24 2011

Now it works (the Thermometer is reporting 10 degree and here we have about 30, but this is an other problem)!

Really thank you for this quick response!

You are welcome! ;D