Panda II: Reading InternalFlashStorage Partially


I have a memory consuming application running on a Panda II.
Whenever I need to read from flash memory I have to allocate 4096 bytes:

byte[] buffer = new byte[InternalFlashStorage.Size];

Assuming I’m only using the first 100 bytes, is it possible to read/write only this segment ?
I’m getting a lot arbitrary “Out of Memory” exceptions when using the whole 4096 byte area.


Allocate this buffer early in your application. And also force the garbage collector debug. GC(true)

This should help with out of memory.

Hi Gus, I’m already doing the GC(true) call before allocating memory, but I still get sometimes out of memory errors.
Is it possible that there’s a hidden “under the hood” method to read only short portion from the internal flash? Maybe some RLP method?


No unfortunately

@ Gus - Thanks :-[