Panda II 450mA


We have problems with our panda II dying because the voltage regulators become overheated. With everything plugged in we measure around 600-700mA of curent. But if we disconnect everything, the panda alone draws around 450mA! This seems way too much, since the specifications for the USBizi says it should only draw 100mA with everything enabled.

Have we destroyed something or what could be wrong?

Panda should never draw more than about 50mA. Something is not right.

Worth noting we’ve burnt a digital pin by connecting a charged capacitor to it. Could current perhaps flow through there?

Oh, the whole USBizi becomes burning hot within seconds from connecting power. Something is seriously wrong…

I had the same thing happen to me recently. I was tinkering with my pcb which was connected to the panda… and then no more Panda.

What I found after is that a transistor on my board gave out (I think from my tinkering) and some how that fed back into the digital out on the Panda.

Now when I try to power the Panda the LPC MCU becomes super hot in a few seconds… I just gave up on that board.

When excess voltage is applied to a MCU pin it is toast. I/O could be 5v tolerant but not beyond that. Afer applying excess voltage or even subject to a stray high voltage like a ESD or random high voltage strobe, the MCU is gone.

At this point measuring current drawn or chip temperature does not help. Check the board for any further damage, rectify and replace the USBizi :slight_smile:

…or get a new board


But it was motnths ago I burned the pin, we’ve kept on developing without problems up untin now :stuck_out_tongue:

And you didn’t notice the additional heat in the office? :wink:

There’s been a shield on it all the time, we haven’t been able to feel the chips getting warm :confused: