Our Latest Commercial Product

A common question I see around here are new users wondering if NETMF is used in commercial projects. We’ve been using the platform for 4 years now. For our latest product, a G400 is running the show.



Very cool! Thanks for sharing!

My inner geek makes me want to share more details, but, alas, working at a publicly-traded company limits me to official press releases and such. :slight_smile:

Thanks for sharing. This is very interesting for sure.

Very cool :slight_smile:


Cool :clap:

@ Iggmoe - Looks really commercial. And glad that you are you sharing.

Here’s a video of an early prototype during some engineering trials:

Stupid question maybe - but what does it do?

During my days working in the ROV industry we used to do a sounding profile with a temperature conductivity probe that was deployed over the side of the ship as we sat on DP. It was battery powered with internal recording. The data was recovered once the probe was back on the surface. Seabird or Valeport I think was the 2 units I still remember us using.

I assume your unit actually captures the data in real time and you lower and raise it as you move the vessel along, thereby getting sounding data for more than one spot?

Thank you for sharing :clap:

@ njbuch, @ Dave - The system drops and recovers a probe down to some user-defined target depth, recording data all the way down, while the vessel is moving. The cool part is the line tension monitoring system, where we quickly modulate the speed of the spool (speed up or slow down) to ensure that the line tension is always very low, so that no forces/disturbances are actually pulling on the probe, even as the vessel is heaving or pitching on the surface due to waves, swells, propulsion, and other environmental disturbances. The system ensures that the probe is isolated from external forces, so that its motion through the water is effectively a vertical freefall. Then we recover the probe and transfer the data wirelessly once it breaks the surface. The vessel never has to stop, where, historically, it typically had to for this kind of measurement.


Ah, I get you now.

You are right, we always had to stop. With a DP vessel that is not a big issue but for non DP I can image you would need to keep it moving to stop the vessel turning into the sea or weather.

Nice work.

Awesome share !

Maybe fine