OMG I did it

Community is Pro, but free for non-commercial work.


Pro has CodeLens, Community doesnā€™t, right? (plus a bunch of other team foundation stuff that I donā€™t use)

There has to be SOME benefit for my bizspark/msdn subscription here :smiley:

Sorry. Itā€™s ā€œbasically proā€ for the majority of folks. Itā€™s not limited in the ways the previous free versions were. It has just about anything the majority of independent/enthusiast/hobby developers will need.

Hereā€™s the comparison:


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I remember seeing a list of what it is not yet implemented, but now just cannot find itā€¦ What about filesystem on SD card support, will we have it?

The whole file system is on the SD card on Pi2 (MinnowBoard Max has additional options). Are you asking about mounting an additional card using a SPI or I2C -based adapter? If so, Iā€™m not sure what we may do there long-term.


No, I mean, can I create files on SD card to store, for example, logs? I find Windows.Storage.IStorageFile interface, but canā€™t find an implementationā€¦

EDIT: On the same SD card that Windows 10 is installed to.

I havenā€™t tried it yet on the Pi, but will. You get an IStorageFile, usually in the form of StorageFile, as the result of a file create or open operation on a folder object.

Remember, when looking for help on this stuff, you can look at general Windows 10 (or in many cases, Windows 8.1) APIs. Windows 10 IoT Core just uses the same set of APIs for most things, and adds in long-running background tasks, the GPIO stuff, and in the future, also some other helper capabilities to make up for not having (for example) wifi connection dialogs.


I have a question

Since this is the Iot ā€œCoreā€ , does that mean there will be other add on parts (to add on to the ā€œcoreā€?

Optional shells, or optional groups of functionality in the future provided by microsoft? (instead of everything going into 1 image)

Or is that left up to the OEMs of the boards, and their respective communities, to build upon the core?

Or what?

I canā€™t speak to futures, but itā€™s more that this is the core of what we consider to be IoT capable, and if you want more features, youā€™d use one of the uplevel SKUs (mobile, desktop/enterprise).

And yes, certainly OEMs could build upon this to add more features/capabilities/drivers etc.


How did you get the FFU image onto the SD card? I tried the commands given under Win8.1 but it complains that the parameters are not recognised.

I was previously able to install the Win 10 ADK on my Windows 8.1 machine. From that, you can use dism to get the FFU onto the card. Itā€™s not supported, though.

But you canā€™t program for the Pi on 8.1. You can do it in a VPC, though.


Oh yeah, I used Windows 10 for that :slight_smile: Completely forgotā€¦

Come over and Iā€™ll show you :slight_smile:

You may get some hack to work to let you use the UWP and IoT Core SDK on 8.1, but itā€™s not at all supported or recommended, and itā€™s not guaranteed to work at RTM (or any other time).

You can dev for the Pi using Windows 10 in a virtual PC hosted in Windows 8.1 if you want. I did that for months.


Iā€™ve tried, but Windows 10 on my VirtualBox was consuming literally [em]everything [/em] on my 8-core machine, and was still painfully slow. I have no idea why, but it was unusable. What do you use to virtualize Windows 10?

For me, VMWare, because it virtualizes USB and that means I can even do the SD-Card stuff from the VM. I run a quad-core system with 32Gb of memory and I think I gave those VMs 6 or 8Gb of memory. Be sure to give it enough memory as that will definitely slow things down if you donā€™t. I have two Windows 10 VMs in this configuration and for me they work well enough for comfortable daily use.

I used Hyper-V. I have 24gb RAM on this 6 core PC. Memory is the big deal when virtualizing PCs. Running a virtual PC on my 8gb Surface Pro 3 was painful.


I gave it 6 cores and 8GB RAM, and it wasnā€™t enouh (actually, there was plenty of free RAM, but CPU was utilized 100% almost full-time). Maybe Iā€™ll give HyperV a go.

As you have noticed: dism doesnā€™t support SD cards on Windows 8.1. Youā€™d have to install the Windows ADK for Windows 10 (e.g., from here, at the bottom: Download and install the Windows ADK | Microsoft Learn ). I tried it and was able to use the included version of dism located at "c:\Program Files (x86)\Windows\Kits\10\Assessment and Deployment Kit\Deployment Tools\x86\Dism" to transfer the IoT Core on my RasPi. 8)

Wow, it runs so fast on HyperV!

Thanks Pete for the tip.