Old 16x2 Character Display Module

Have searched high and low for the specs, programming, etc for an old 16x2 Character Display Module that GHI used to sell, I used it on my original Cobra. It has a little 3 pin socket and am just trying to find the docs on it. Any help?

Thanks :slight_smile:

@ andre.m - No, that’s the current one. This was form a few years ago, plugged into one on the 3 pronged outlets on the Cobra board (WAAAAY before Gadgeteer) :slight_smile:

Three pins? It must be a Serial based Character Display (VDD, Ground and Rx). Search the CodeShare and you will find plenty of examples on how to use a Serial Character display.

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… if the JST connectors are ment (could be I2C as well) …

@ scardinale - Thanks, I think that is the one I was looking for