

I just reinstalled with the latest software. I get errors saying my camera and screen are obsolete. Anyway around this? I have several kits with cameras. It makes me sad :frowning:


@ shapingstuff - Hold on even my spider is obsolete.

@ shapingstuff - They were marked obsolete in the 2015 R1 SDK because the boards are legacy. The drivers and boards will still work fine, you can ignore the warning.

However, the 2016 R1 SDK removes the obsolete warnings from the mainboards.

Shouldnā€™t the Obsolete Attribute not only be used if a function or method is outdated and replaced with something new?
Setting the SW obsolete, just because the HW is, just messes up the Errors/warning Messages.
If I could vote, Iā€™d voted for removing the obsolete Attribute in this cases.

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Few thanks for that I checked and things seem to be working fine :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Are all the modules working fine, including the T35 screen? Or are there any known issues.

@ Reinhard Ostermeier - The intent was to provide notice to users who may not come to the site or forums regularly that a product was moved to legacy.

@ shapingstuff - There are no known issues with the camera or Display T35. They should work fine.

Great thanks.

I have just installed on another machine but am getting an error when I try and deploy the code. Installed everything in order and the template seems fine. It does not get as far as trying to deploy, the error happens straight away.

error MMP0000: 0x80131700

Sorted thanks.

Installed .net framework 3.5

Has anybody gotten this to work with the new versions?

I have 2 Spider starter kits from way-back-when. Updated one with all the latest firmware and the camera does not work. Tried both cameras and a few different cables but it always says the camera isnā€™t ready and the ā€œconnectedā€ event never fires for it. :frowning:

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@ ddurant - I think, itā€™s better to start a new thread, describing what you want to do, showing your code and telling things that do not work. Basically for me the camera works (camera.TakePicture) with the latest SDK 2016 R1.