I’ve finally found a little free time to get back to work on Pyxis/Netby and I was wondering if anyone who’s better at sounds than me wouldn’t mind making a few notification sounds for the piezo. So far I’ve managed a little chirp.
It’d be nice to have 3 sounds:
Peripheral Plugged In
Peripheral Unplugged
No point since GHI is releasing one in the next update. This is just a in the mean time sort of thing.
Plus the built-in Piezo doesn’t seem to be on a PWM pin so this would be a backfall for when there isn’t an audio out. I’ve already connected a jack to the AnalogOut pin for when GHI’s code is out.
That’s what I meant but at any rate, I think our only option for the piezo is to buzz it at a few select freqs. Maybe chain them together or something.
Hi I have a table that was created on the pic16f84 with pitch and envelope with a lookup to all available notes (It was a simple doorbell project) this used the good old simple peizo and produced a pretty good sound, I eventually made a simle organ from it…
It’s in assembler but all you need is the table (and adjust the frequency)
If you want it ill dig it out
I suppose we could make a class to auto sequence frequencies instead of just making the calls yourself. We could have that as a base for netby then also have a driver for the PCM audio and MP3 extension.
The table is the same as the one I already posted
but using the peizo I create a cool ditty
case ID_CLICK:
Utility.Piezo(523, 50); // C
Utility.Piezo(659, 50); // D
Utility.Piezo(784, 50); // E
Utility.Piezo(1046, 100); // C
To go to lower an octave the frequency is halved and doubld to go up
with 4/4 time a semiquaver eqautes to 333ms
It does produce better sounds though as gus said through the analog out.