No Real Time Clock (RTC)

What does it mean in practice ?


still return a valid value ? If yes what is the resolution ? (IIRC on older windows systems the resolution was 18ms)

The real time clock and the system clock are two different things.

The real-time clock is a hardware feature that will retain the time when the power is removed if a battery is used.

A DateTime is returned from the system clock.

The system clock, which is usually initialized from the real-time clock on initialization, will run the same on the Panda as the other systems.

With the Panda you will need to find a way to set the system clock to the current data/time if required. If not, the system clock will run fine, the data/time will just be wrong. Measuring elapsed time will work.

“DateTime.Now.Ticks” will return a “valid” value…

To strictly answer your question, one “Tick” is 100ns,

DateTime.Now.Ticks is the amount of Ticks elapsed since system boot up.

@ Mike that’s exactly what i wanted to know, thanks

@ Chris I mixed up ticks resolution with timer resolution. This code

Timer timer = new Timer(o => Debug.Print((DateTime.Now.Ticks / TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond).ToString()), null, 0, 1);

outputs on the NETMF emulator:


So, it’s pretty close to the 1ms asked interval, but on windows it outputs:


So on windows is called on a +/-16ms interval, not 1ms as asked

Windows has a different definition for Ticks.

The resolution of Ticks for the full and micro .NET is 100 nanoseconds per tick.

Both framework’s documentation says the DateTime ticks are from 00:00:00 January 1, 0001.

But I believe this incorrect for the micro framework. It has a later time base. I think a problem report has been submitted to Microsoft.

There is a constant that can be calculated to convert MF to full .NET DateTime.

Are you sure about that Mike? I could’ve sworn full .NET’s Tick resolution was different.

Easy way to test, though. Just have NETMF calculate the ticks from a certain date, then full .NET


Well, the documentation says 100 nanoseconds for both. But, the documentation says base date is the same, which is wrong.

Ah, I see. The epoch isn’t correct.

Epoch fail.


Yeah, I was wondering when someone would bring that up. :think: