New website is coming in few days

As you all know, we always work on improving our website as we do on products. To do that tighter, we will bring TinyCLR and GHI electronics closer then ever before. In about a month, everything will be merged right into GHI’s main website.

Not to worry, the TinyCLR domain will always be alive and we will have forward links to everything so there are no dead links and there is minimal confusion to new visitors.

In the attached image you can see the community tab drop down, which also has a new section “creations”. Those who offer modules for sale will love this new section :slight_smile: More to come in few weeks.

We will try our best to have no interruptions, but some is required as we need to move and rename the databases/tables appropriately.

Just curios, how big is the database?


A “Community” -> “Catalog” page would be a really nice addition :wink:

That is exactly what we have but we call it creations to limit confusion with our catalog :slight_smile: it will make more sense once it is up

Fantastic! I thought “Creations” would be the “Community Showcase” items. Duh… There is a separate “Showcase” page :frowning:

Nop, image shows showcase above creations