New module - Ring 1206 v1.0

Exactamundo. I saw the Adafruit one and thought that would be cool as a gadgeteer module especially with the 4 pin. I hope to get it finished before Christmas and then make it up in the new year.
I’m also going to do a few RGB LED sticks of different lengths and maybe a few other shapes when i get round to it.

You can never have enough LEDs rgb or otherwise.

Yep, i wanted to make it big enough to get an SLR camera lens through :wink:
[/quote]What or perhaps more precisely why??? Now be gentle as I’m a point and shoot sort of camera dude.

[quote=“Duke Nukem”]What or perhaps more precisely why??? Now be gentle as I’m a point and shoot sort of camera dude.

Macro photography

I would like to see this have breakout pins and the Gadgeteer socket optional. I have a use for one of these but it’ll need to be connected with wires instead of with a cable.

I was under the impression the WS2811-12s had really tight timing requirements, making them tough to near impossible to control directly from NETMF. Anybody find that not true? One of the wunderkind want to write an RLP wrapper for these? I would love to make a pair of RGB goggles with a NETMF board.

@ ransomhall - Have you seen this codeshare?

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@ ianlee74 - I was thinking of breaking out the pins to make it any MCU firendly :wink:

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Here is a quick demo with some animation effects. With 32 leds you can do hundreds of different animations.


That’s just way too cool. I want one.

@ scardinale - I will add these on creations soon.

I have also added a very easy way to add animations. For example rotating 4 orthogonal LEDs left by one:

            UInt32 initialState= 0x80808080;
            ring.StartAnimation(initialState, (state) =>
                return ((state >> 1) | (state << 31));

Or more general form:

            UInt32 data = 0x80808080;
            ring.StartAnimation(data, (state) =>
                return Ring.RotateRight(state, 1);