New GUI and Controls

You mean the app bar that was included in the stuff I sent you yesterday that supports icons, menus, and can be docked on any of the four sides? :slight_smile:

:frowning: I didnā€™t get far enough to even realize it was in my version. Having too much fun with the other controls. Adios! Gotta go play with the AppBar!

Itā€™s under Tinkr.Controls.Extended I believe. Have fun w it! Only 3 more business day at my day job before I dedicate 2wks to Skewworks.

Awesome! Iā€™ll keep working on my wish list :wink: So, how long before Skewworks becomes your day job?

As soon as I can actually make a living from it :slight_smile:

Iā€™m sure a grand idea will hit me eventually.


Iā€™m sure itā€™ll happen. Youā€™ve got some great talent. Iā€™m having a blast with Tinkr. Youā€™ve made GUI development on a FEZ as easy as WinForms dev.

Emailing you my bug list for the night soonā€¦

Congrats - Iā€™m about to do the same thing myself.

Will start playing with the new bits as soon as I can to give some feedback!

The screen shots above look great.

Itā€™s not a brand new idea, but one that hasnā€™t been executed well so far. Itā€™s something that Iā€™ve had on my to-do list for a while now and donā€™t have the bandwidth to finish anytime soon - be glad to share and help bring it to market. Shoot me an email and can discuss particulars with you. steve at stevepresley dot net

@ Ian - Thanks for the latest bug list, you can fix the rendering issue by adding your controls to the panel instead of on top of it. Itā€™s still a rendering glitch which I will address. Hopefully I should have all of your stuff done this weekend. Thanks for the great testing! :slight_smile:

@ Steve - Iā€™ll shoot you off an email shortly.

@ skewworks - my pleasure. Canā€™t wait to get home and play with it some more. Tonight I want to try and put the PacMan game in the middle of the screen within a CP7. Have you looked into that yet. Any problems anticipated with rendering more native graphics inside of Tinkr?

I havenā€™t looked into much, I still have so many controls left to create and bugs to fix.

Iā€™d suggest rendering to TinkCore.Screen; though any controls rendering will overwrite your image unless theyā€™re outside the bounds, suspended, or not on the ActiveContainer.

Iā€™ve already implemented your feature request for different fonts for Time/Menus on the Appbar (which you can close by pressing the ā€œā€¦ā€ again btw) and now Iā€™m working on the new Prompt. It comes with the following options as default (OK, OKCancel, YesNo, YesNoCancel, AbortRetry, AbortRetryCancel). Iā€™ll definitely look into having custom buttons on it, though Iā€™m not sure exactly how Iā€™ll handle that just yet since it returns an enum of PromptResult.

Awesome. I should finish up the rest of the project by tomorrow night and will make a video on Sunday. If you can send me the latest & greatest assemblies tomorrow, that would be great. If you have a Git branch or something I can pull from with daily updates, that would be even better :slight_smile:

Skew, Iā€™ve been eyeballing your controls for some time now, and the longer my project is shelved, the better your controls get!

Question: Is it possible to change the look of the controls? Dare I suggest skinning?

Most of the controls have a lot of options.

Buttons for example you can change: GradientTop, GradientBottom, TextColor, Border Color and all of those same options again for Pressed State + font & show/hide border.

Checkboxes & Radiobuttons are completely unskinnable.

What exactly are you looking to be able to change?

@ Ian - As requestedā€¦

2 fonts for Appbar
Picture of expanded Appbar
Customizable buttons on Prompt

Also Prompt now supports ā€œiconā€ which is really any sized image you like placed to the left.

All shadows are manually drawn using 34 DrawRectangle commands and ShadowRegion is now available from TinkrCore.Instance


Wow! Beautiful !!! :clap:

@ Skewworks - This looks really good!

Thanks guys! Itā€™s worth noting those are all screen grabs from the emulator not hand drawn.

I also have a wait dialog based on these prompts, but itā€™s animated and static image doesnā€™t really show it off :slight_smile:

I went through at least a dozen hand draw designs to get to this one, including a ā€œglassā€ Windows Vista style one w/ a semi-transparent gradient, but I just couldnā€™t make it look good on a solid black background so I scrapped it.

Oooooh! Iā€™ll add some of my own screen shots later :wink:

What about the ListBox problem. Has that been resolved?

Just add it to the panel for now instead of the form, itā€™s a z-index ordering issue. May take me a bit to fix.

Wow skewworks, this is amazing.