New GHI installers package for hydra/gadgeteer users


Please only wrap c# code with the code tags for now.

Yeah, that last dump is useless. I think removing it will help.

What is this? I haven’t seen it before installing this last update. I’ve seen it a few times now and it seems to just appear randomly in the Output window.

[quote]Updating display configuration. THE MAINBOARD WILL NOW REBOOT.
If you are deploying/debugging using Visual Studio, you will need to stop (Shift-F5) and start debugging again (F5). [/quote]

This is needed to disable the display sockets so they can b used as GPIO but what is crazy about this is that this is not supported on hydra!

We will investigate. Thanks for the feedback.

Of course if you can give us steps to repro that will be fantastic.

Yea, that is odd. Especially since I don’t have a display connected. Here’s what I’ve done tonight to produce it and at least right now I seem to be able to reproduce it almost every time. Although it seems to be somewhat random.

  1. New Gadgeteer project.
  2. Add Extender module to socket #7.
  3. Add Button module to socket #14.

Add the following to bottom of ProgramStarted()

            //var pwm = extender.SetupPWMOutput(Socket.Pin.Nine);
            // Trying it this way creates the weird warning/error.
            var pwm = extender.SetupPWMOutput((Socket.Pin) 9);
            pwm.Set(25000, 0);
            pwm.Set(25000, 30);
            pwm.Set(25000, 50);
            pwm.Set(25000, 80);
            pwm.Set(25000, 100);

The output I get is…

[quote]Program Started
Updating display configuration. THE MAINBOARD WILL NOW REBOOT.
If you are deploying/debugging using Visual Studio, you will need to stop (Shift-F5) and start debugging again (F5).

[quote]Updating display configuration. THE MAINBOARD WILL NOW REBOOT.
If you are deploying/debugging using Visual Studio, you will need to stop (Shift-F5) and start debugging again (F5).[/quote]

This will happen any time you either add or remove a display, or deploy firmware to the device. It should only occur the first time any of those happen. It is set up to do this in the Gadgeteer Core.

Special note: At this time, even through the display sockets (RGB or 10, 11, 12) may not be in use by a display and are marked with the Y socket type, they are not available to use as GPIO.

There’s definitely an issue then. I’m not using a display or any of the display sockets and the above setup will produce that error/reboot almost every time right after PWM is set to 100%.

Maybe the frequency at 100% is too much for the board, and it resets? I solved this two ways: either by lowering the frequency or by adding external power to the board. Which ever fits best with your application.

I’ll try stopping it at 99% tonight and see if that makes a difference. If the board can’t handle 100% duty cycle then there’s definitely a problem that needs to be fixed. Other FEZ boards handle this fine.

How would setting pwm to max would effect this! I would love to see this happening with my own eyes.

Did you try my steps above? If you can’t reproduce, I’ll create a video tonight.

Any news on an update? I see Joe & Steven have been hard at work :wink:

All fixes are done but we are adding more modules drivers to it. Should be this week.

Sweeeeeet :smiley: