New audio encoder decoder chip

Nice one VLSI

10,000 internets if you make a Music Module 2.0 w this.

Wow, great chip!

VS1005 engineering samples are expected to be available in June 2012. Very interesting.

Impressive chip. With full ogg/vorbis support (mp3 licensing can be a pain to manage for small series hardware…). :slight_smile:

Hi Friend…

I have easyvr card.
I connected this card to pc without anyproblem
and I added my " SD 10 different commands "
with orginal program.
my aim is to light on different 10 lambs
with my voice commands.this is my highschool project.

I use pic 16f877 for communication and relay outs…

EasyVR gives A, B, C, D ,E serial datas with end of the sd command provment.

But There is no any action even I say my sd commands true…
( All communication datas ok… 9600 baud and anothers also… )

perhaps I need better source code files for starting recognation.
Why my system do not agree my commands…
Can you help me for source code.

I have so little time for finishing my project…
If you help me I will pray for you…

I only want to light on 10 different lamb with my voic
. Can you be my guide.
I wait your answer soon…
thank for your caring about my mail…
thanks regards…


@ coolbody - You would be better off creating a new thread for this in the Off Topic forum, though given that it does not appear to be related to any GHI product, nor to .NET Micro Framework or Gadgeteer, you may not find the answer you’re looking for.

Cookies (edit: and beer!) to whoever takes this thing, a FEZ with touchscreen, SD card and a to make a audio-DVR…

@ ddurant - i thought the universal bribe (incentive) was beer? :slight_smile:

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