.NETMF 4.3 and VS2010

I looked at the process for installing support for NETMF 4.3 on my computer. The process directs me to install the community edition of VS2013 first. However, I currently have a full copy of VS2010 installed on my system. I had hoped to use VS2010 to develop NETMF projects.

Must one absolutely use some version of VS2013 with NETMF 4.3, or can one still use VS2010 which I currently have?

When I first looked at NETMF development, I saw I could use VS2010 (the full version) for development. But I got caught up in other projects. Now that I’ve started NETMF, I want to use my familiar old tool, but it looks like it might be difficult or impossible to do that.

Any comments or ideas? I can get the community, or even the full VS2013 installation, but I was hoping to avoid that.

We unfortunately have to always continue too move to the newer version. The good news is that it is free.

Don’t avoid it. Embrace it. It’s a great upgrade.

Yea but he won’t get things like version control with the free edition. A pretty pickle indeed.

Thanks to all for all the advice.

As a retired software engineer, I cannot tell you how many different versions of Visual Studio I have gone through in my career. When I retired two years ago, I still had VS2005, VS2008, and VS2010 on my system at work. And at home, I had VS2008 and VS2010. I guess that’s why MS came out with the VS Version Selector application.

I just wanted to be able to use what I had without installing yet another version of VS. After all, VS2010 worked at one time with NETMF. But now I have VS2013 Community Edition, yahoo!

Fortunately I have my own version control. I have always detested version control built into the compiler.

Git doesn’t care which IDE you use :wink: