NETMF 4.2 ...even VB support

@ mike - go back to Nukem style… softening up happens with old age anyways. We need more ‘tough love’ in here! Say what you think and don’t think too much about what you say!

Of course, if you’ve just become a buddhist or your ‘softening’ is doctor recommended to keep the blood pressure down, ignore all of this :wink:


My prior approach was:

“You can light a fire, and keep a man warm for the night. But, if you light a man on fire, he will be warm for the rest of his life.”

Some people get upset with this approach… So OXOXOX :smiley:

Doh! :-[ The bunny is back!

Has there movement on the VB front? Maybe a beta release? … an alpha?


Can hardly wait…thx.