I used netclix to great advantage about 4 years ago (graphics add on package). Now I am updating some projects (and moving to 4.3), but can’t find any info on upgrades. Is there a more recent version (since 4 years have passed), or is there something entirely newer/better to use?
Skewworks .NETCLIX Gus.
I have an old copy myself along with the manual for it.
I remember now.
It’s tough getting old isn’t it?
It’s very funny you should mention Clix. I’ll be posted some news very shortly.
I did say very shortly.
Does the old Netclix work with the SDK 4.3? I’m pretty sure I had it running fine with 4.2…so not sure if I should move up to sdk 4.3
It doesn’t, but I could spin off a 4.3 for you. I’ll try and get it done this weekend, should take too long.
[em]I could spin off a 4.3 for you. I’ll try and get it done this weekend, should take too long[/em]
Thanks, I was looking around for it…is it posted somewhere?
Also, is VS2010 compatible with SDK4.3, or is it required to upgrade? ( I’ve been gone too long)
No, Clix is obsolete. But I still have the code, so all I really have to do is spin up a new 4.3 project and copy over the files.
I think you need 2012 at least for 4.3.
Ok, thanks…let me know where you are posting this or how I can get the 4.3 version (download link, paypal renewal, etc).
I’d like to move up to 4.3 in the next day or so, since then I can download all of the latest & not have to worry about old compatibility issues (I hope)
By the way…with all of the many, many upgrades in the last few YEARS, have the graphics capabilities in NTMF improved (mostly the speed)?..I ended up using Netclix since, at the time, making screens paint seemed like molasses. I’m don’t even remember how I found out about Netclix. I was wondering if that is still true today with the newer SDK’s (and also faster processors). I am using an 800x480 screen.
I’d still like to upgrade netclix regardless.
[em]I could spin off a 4.3 for you. I’ll try and get it done this weekend, should take too long
Did you spin it for 4.3 yet?..I would really like to try it out (& move up from SDK 4.2)
It’s been so long ago, it’s at the edge of my memory bank.
Yes, I have, I just need to figure out how I’m going to get it over to you while the site is being worked on. If you send me a PM with your email I’ll send it off Wednesday (I’m in CA again and don’t have access until I get back).