Today, while I was trying to deploy a simple application on my FEZ Spider, it stopped responding. So, I tried to press the reset button on the board. However, when I released it, the screen of the display showed the information message (version, head size, etc.) and then went black. The FEZ Spider doesn’t answer anymore to ping.
My suggestion would be to try going into bootloader mode, like you were going to install a new firmware, and erase the app using MFDeploy. Sounds to me somewhat like a tight loop that won’t let the debugger attach.
Thank you for the reply… It could be that the last application I deployed is one that have a timer that fires every seconds? It could be the timer that causes the loop?
perhaps. Depends on what you exactly mean. Often if something goes “feral” and consumes all CPU cycles, the debugger can never get some cycles to attach. Erasing the app with MFDeploy allows you to go back to a known point and put on any previous app that you know still works to prove your hardware still works. i don’t know how experienced with NETMF you are, but there’s a good chance that you could have a problem in the latest change/s you made to your app and timer logic that is now causing this - erasing is a simple thing and easy way to get back to “known good” state
I managed to erase the deployed program. However, now when I power the board, sometimes after the usual messages (version, MAC address, heap size, ecc.), appear a message for a few instants (so I can’t read it), and then the display turns white. Again, in this case I can’t ping the module.
After some resets, the device resumes its functionalities.
What could be the cause of the problem? Perhaps the message that appears on the screen tells me the reason, but I can’t read it